This will be a bit of a long post, a lot to catch up on. But I've got energy, tea and Doritos, let's do this.
Wednesday I went to work and trained which was lovely, but I checked my email after and learned I got into grad school. Or half at least. (Dual Program) I don't think I stopped squeaking. Mouth moved for a bit, but I don't think I got anything out besides "Oh my god..." What an honor. I still need to get into the other half and try and get aid, but knowing they saw the potential was astounding. So, the first one.
Don't be scared when your dreams come true. When you do what you love, your dreams will come true, just don't be scared when it actually happens. It's okay.
Be thankful for every kindness. When you are fortunate enough to be around amazing, kind people who treat you well or give you gifts be thankful. Don't expect it, or demand it, but when it happens be in the moment, love it and be thankful. But from the big to the little they are all important and special. Gifts, phone calls, a hug, anything.
When an adventure comes knocking, say yes!! Let's go see a live blues band at an amazing blues club. Say yes. Opportunities aren't always there, so take a chance, try it. Being tired, cranky, pmsing and lazy aren't good enough excuses to skip out on life's great adventures and moments. Sometimes it might suck, it isn't a good enough reason to not try.
Don't say no to adventures!
Being a grown up isn't a good reason to stop all childish things. They were amazing then and some should not be left in the past. Two nights ago I went to a playground and got on the swings. I missed that so much. A group of us just played like kids. Not damaging anything or being reckless but just enjoying playing. That innocence and joy. Often times grownups are penalized for playing with children's toys, but we need that reckless, unbridled fun. Go out and
Love often and a lot! Yesterday I went to a few of my friend's high school graduation. Pomp and circumstance makes me a little bitter, and it is often really hot and icky. Still, I loved those graduates and seeing the love the crowd had for each graduate was overwhelming. We went to dinner and toast after toast was so full of love. Life is better that way. Don't be stingy with your love.
Anyways, I'm going to get away from my computer and find some inspiration for today's post. Though I am so glad to catch up on here.