Monday, April 15, 2013

Taking the harder path

More often than not we forgive others far sooner than we can or will forgive ourselves. For ourselves we give excuses or try and forget our past. It's almost easier.

Something so therapeutic like forgiveness is kept at great length from ourselves. To forgive means we are in some manner responsible for our actions and mistakes. That sounds like common sense when written but in our actions we ignore it.

I truly hope people, including myself, chose forgiveness. It is a necessity for our mistakes and the mistakes we must endure of others.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What are you going to do with your degree/life?

Having a degree often prompts the question, "what do you want to do with that?" I have an answer, but it usually gets a laugh.

Change the world.

Is that so preposterous? Do they think me naive? Isn't that the purpose of being here? I've never been convinced that the problems we face are problems for future generations.

Dreams aren't suppose to be easy. That doesn't make them a joke.