Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello from Cali!

Okay, these are in the wrong order, but I don't remember things in the correct order so who cares!

This one came from a brilliant man who drove the shuttle I took to my Babushka's.  I gladly let this gentleman take another man home first so I could talk to him longer.  Afterwards I got his business card and may meet up with him to see San Diego and have lunch with him.  We talked about politics, football, travel, family, accounting and so many other things.  The part that stuck with me most was his urging me to go see the world.  Grab Jonny and go travel!!  I reassured him I'm not the kind of girl who wants to stay in one place, so it may not happen soon, but it will.  It also made me think about my other interests.  Anthropology, classical Russian ballet, Russian architecture, languages, geology and so on.  Just because I have one degree, it doesn't mean I'm even remotely done.  If I could afford it I would keep taking classes.  One day I will.

The second one came to me while reading Cradle to Cradle.  It was about nature.  How nature won't endlessly regenerate but isn't the enemy either.  Why do we push the extremes so often?  I guess it makes things easier, but that doesn't make them better.  Embrace the difficulties.  It makes life interesting.

The 3rd one also came from Cradle to Cradle.  Once again I'm complaining about change.  Change is just that, change.  It will be uncomfortable.  Cope.  Please welcome something different, it is normally something better.  Then again, if not, we can change it again.  (Evil cackle)

The forth was actually the first.  I forgot to photograph this one Friday night.  Things may start out amazing, and end up poorly.  Make the best of it.  There are rough days and weeks and even months or years.  The man I met in the shuttle said he hasn't had a bad day in years.  He won't let himself.  I don't think I'm that strong, but I can try to make everyday a little better.  There is always hope and something I can do.  If I don't think there is I'm not trying or thinking hard enough.

Lastly, being present with life and myself is one of the greatest things I can do for myself.  Even if it is only for a few minutes before bed, or in the shower I need to slow down and meditate more.  I have more control over myself and my emotions than I give myself credit.  So just slow down and breathe.  It also helps to turn off the damn cellphone a few minutes a day too.  Still, I'll just take things slowly and see how it goes.  California, you are my experiment.  3 days down, 8 to go.

(Moscow, I miss you terribly.)

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